Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stephanie Nadeau: "Is it Farther or Further"

ESS is pleased to present Stephanie Nadeau's "Is it Farther or Further", an exhibition of photographs, prints, conceptual drawings and a music box driven by Antarctic winds that explore real and imagined concepts of distance. From the artist:

As our population grows and we increasingly see ourselves as mastering vastness, our perception of distance diminishes, just as every new communication and transportation technology we invent shrinks the world further and makes the journey obsolete. We begin to speak of a distance disassociated from miles and meters, a metaphorical ‘further’ that relates to depth, distance by degree: a relation to what came before. Distance here is a function of time, not a measurement of length. We are far apart but further together.

"Is it Farther or Further" includes graphite drawings, images culled from the internet and from Nadeau's personal snapshot library, and an Aeolian harp powered by a live feed of wind speed information from an automated weather station in Antarctica. Through these varied media, Nadeau investigates the human need for solidarity, her own unconscious search for sameness in her travels and our relationship to once remote, now disappearing landscapes.

Check out the NewCity Art review here:

Also, Listen to an excerpt of Dave Rempis' performance from opening night.

Dave Rempis [excerpt] ESS September 24 2010 by Experimental Sound Studio

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